Visit our Location : Hubert Murray Highway -Laloki,
Opening Hours : Mon - Fri: 8am - 5pm
Facsimile:(+675) 329 2009

Advance Recycling Services

PECL has Distillation Plant under construction at Laloki Waste Management Facility for distilling and recycling oil and fuel back to fuel-oil. The fuel–oil will be reused in boilers and chillers. Scrap   metals,    plastic    containers    and    other classified recyclable waste will be exported overseas for recycling, reuse and of course reduce waste risk to the environment. PECL has the capacity to do that and highly encourages the recycling services.

Management Facilities
PECL has two Waste Management Facility for distilling and recycling oil and fuel back to fuel-oil. The fuel–oil will be reused in boilers and chillers. 


What is advanced recycling?
Advanced recycling, which is a combination of several different technologies, breaks plastic down into its molecular components and reuses the molecules for the creation of new virgin-quality materials that can be used as the building blocks for making tomorrow’s plastic rather than using virgin resources. We’re using these technologies to help bridge the gap between what can currently be recycled and what cannot—moving us closer to a circular economy for plastic. Investment in advanced recycling technologies is a direct example of the plastics industry evolving to meet market-based demands from the public and consumer goods companies.